Yesterday, Reilly single handedly washed all the dogs. I'm fairly sure it is the one and only bath T T has ever had. However, I do recall that, T T fell in the Barefoot Casa swimming pool on Thanksgiving night and had to be pulled out. So, technically it wasn't her first bath, but soap makes all the difference.
T T does have one trick that I think only Mexican dingos can do.........that is a tiny lizard hanging out on T T's nose.
I have to tell a quick story about Holly.
About a week after we arrived in Sayulita, we left Holly and Rally in the yard at the Casa and went to La Lancha for the day. We came back after dark and then stopped for Taco's On The Street, so it must have been 8:30 by the time we made it back. As I walked into the yard, I knew something was wrong, Holly was no where to be found. We started calling her name and soon we could hear her whining and barking, but we could not find her. Turns out, she was in a completely walled lot next door to us. The walls all around the lot are 8 to 9 foot high. We could see her from the steps, to the second story, of our neighbors house, even though it was very dark.
We found a handmade wood ladder in the back of our house and lowered it into the lot. I climbed down and eventually got Holly's front and back paws on the rungs of the ladder. Ron grabbed hold of her front paws as soon as he could and with me pushing her rump with my shoulders and Ron pulling on her paws, we lifted her over the wall.
The question remains, why and how did she get in there and how long had she been over there? We guess that she chased the neighbor's cat back behind our water tanks where she could get up on the wall and jumped over. Amazingly, she didn't break anything jumping down into the vacant lot. Of course, we really will never know, but she hasn't had any interest in that wall or cat since. Don't you just wish there was video of the whole incident? I do.
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