Sunday, March 6, 2011


This is my first post in quite a while!  I've been just livin' in Mexico.  I have to thank Molly and Cindy for the encouragement to get back to it.  I am enjoying everyday here and there is so much to write about.  I'm really not sure how to begin, so I'm going to start posting pictures and I know the stories will follow.

This picture was taken with my friend Molly in mind.  She likes to wear her flipflops with socks. 

Ron has a habit of finding every rock, coral, shell, stingray and tearing up his skin while surfing.  We have had two seperate deliveries of Neosporin, come with friends from home, just to keep up with him.  So, he invested in surf booties, that also came with our Seattle mules.  They are very fancy surf booties as you can see, they are made to be worn with flipflops. And I am happy to report that his feet have been much happier.

Surf Booties hard at work.  Ron is surfing the board he loves a 10.2 NSP.  This one is a rental but he was able to purchase one this past week in Seattle and he is loving it.  This picture was taken at the right break at Sayulita last Sunday afternoon. 

Sunday afternoon was lots of fun for Regan on the boogie board and Ron boogie boarding on Rory's surf board.  

Rory did get his surf board back and found some small waves but took full advantage.

Even Rowan found some waves on the boogie board.  His big brother Rory isn't in the picture but is out in the surf pushing Rowan into the waves.  Of course, he will deny this, but he is really good to his brother and loves to help him in the waves.  

Reilly would never be left out.  She is quite the surfer but lacks confidence in her surfing.  She is always game to paddle out but sometimes psyches herself out when it comes to the waves.  

Oddly, this is a typical Sunday afternoon for us here.  We head off to the beach and find a spot on the sand.  It is a nice change from the hectic schedule we were used to on the weekends.  It feels like we have become much more connected in the past few months.  


  1. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Keep the pic's coming. don't need to write anything about them. Leave it to our imaginations:)
    Love ya - counting the days!!!

  2. Love the Pic's. Looks like you are all having a blast! Miss you guys!
    Brenda ;-)
